Free Craft Activity: Dinosaur Land

ROAR! Make your own mini prehistoric landscape at home with this free printable pack, and let your kids become adventurers in their own backyard.


You Will Need:

A printer
Lightweight card or paper
Glue stick
Sticky tape
Skewers, cocktail sticks or small twigs

How To Make:

Decide on where you want to set up your Dino Land. You can create it in a patch of your garden or use a container such as a tray, plant pot or even an old car tyre. If you are using a container, start by filling it with soil or sand, moss, gravel, stones, and rocks.

Use natural treasures and objects from around the home to add to your scene, including small plants such as ferns, tropical or edible plants, or little figurines as miniature explorers.

1. Print out the Dinosaur Land pages and carefully cut around the dinosaurs.

2. Use sticky tape to attach a small stick to the back of each dinosaur. Be careful if you are using cocktail sticks – they can be sharp!

3. Select your pencil topper designs. Cut out each one carefully with scissors. Fold the topper in half, using the fold guide lines, apply glue and secure to the top of your chosen pencil.

4. Cut out a selection of Dino Land signs and attach them to a kebab or taller stick. There are blank signs for you to personalise and add your own ideas.

5. For the volcano, cut out the two pieces and make a slit along the white lines. Slot the two segments together in a cross-shape so that it stands up.

6. Finally, cut out the dinosaur eggs, footprints and leaves and stick onto small sticks.

Now you are ready to play!

Now you can use your imagination and set up your Dinosaur Land. Be creative and add extra touches, such as caves, swamps, and rivers. Your kids and their friends can spend hours playing with their new Jurassic world, and they can even dress up as dinosaurs using our Dinosaur Hats or Dinosaur Costume. Our Stegosaurus and Triceratops organic knitted soft toys are also the perfect gifts for any dino-obsessed little ones.

We would love to see your Dinosaur Land creations – please share them on Instagram at @merimeriparty.

Dinosaur Collection

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