Let the ocean inspire your little people to make beautiful crafts. Our talented designers have created an amazing aquarium make for them, filled with colorful fish. We’ve also rounded up lots of other fantastic under the sea creative ideas.

Make an Amazing Aquarium
Transform a shoe or cereal box into an underwater paradise.
You Will Need:
• A box (this can be made using any box that’s roughly the size of a shoe box or a cereal box. If you’re using a cereal box you will need to cut away the front.)
• Scissors
• Tape and glue
• Pens and pencils
• Some sheets of colored paper
• String or thread
• Pebbles or shells (optional)

Step 1: Print off the downloadable sheets from Meri Meri. Then color them and cut them out using scissors. Remember to fringe the tails, fins and also the tentacles of the jellyfish!
(We have two options for you to download – one set pre-colored by us, and the second is for you to color-in yourselves.)
Step 2: Cut a few lengths of thread. You can use metallic thread or just cotton sewing thread. Attach a length of thread to the back of each of the fish and secure with tape. Find the backs of each of the fish and glue to the front, sandwiching the thread in between. Now you have your fish!

(See above, each fish has a front and back)
Step 3: Assemble your box. A shoe box is ideal! Find some sheets of coloured paper (we suggest a blue or teal colour) and line the box.
Optional: You can also add a few layers of fringe. Do this by cutting some strips of paper and cutting slits at regular intervals all the way along. The fringe will look like weeds in the aquarium.
Step 4: Attach your fish to the box. First glue some of the smaller fish at the back of the box to set the scene. Then add the hanging fish. To do this first cut 2 or 3 slits along the top edge of the box. This will mean that you can layer the fish inside the box to create depth. Push the thread through the slits and secure at the top with tape.

You will need to play around with this for a while to get the fishy scene just right!
Step 5: Fringe the weeds from the download sheet by cutting along the white line, then fold a flap at the bottom so you can glue them into the box. If you have any pebbles or shells that you’ve collected from the beach you can add them to the aquarium.

You can then glue in the weeds and add the paper shells from the download sheet. Tip: Using silver or holographic silver foiled card has a great effect!

That’s it! You’ve made your aquarium! Remember you can add as many fish as you like. (You will need lots more if your box is bigger!)
Under the Sea Creations
Here are 5 fantastic sea-themed crafts to try, all using paper plates, paper cups and paper.
1. Paper plate fish
Paint paper plates in bright colors. Once dry, cut out a mouth shaped piece on the front of the plate. Stick this onto the back of the plate to make a tailfin. Now draw on eyes. Stick on ‘scales’ made from cut-out tissue paper shapes. You could add a few foil ‘scales’ too, to make them look like the fish from the inspirational Rainbow Fish book.

2. Paper cup fishing game
Decorate paper cups to look like fish and crabs, then craft little fishing rods to catch them with. Hours of fun to be had by all! Go here for the instructions.
3. Jiggling jellyfish
Color an upside-down paper plate, attach googly eyes, then stick on lots of ribbons and crepe paper to the underside of the plate for the tentacles. You can stick string to the top and attach to the ceiling to watch them dangle and ‘swim’ in the breeze.

4. Mermaid magic
Get your little people to lie on top of a sheet of paper. Draw around their bodies to make an outline of their figure. Don’t draw around their legs separately, just outline the outside of each leg to create a tail shape. Help them cut out their body shape. Now get them to draw on their mermaid’s features, then stick on yarn to create flowing hair, and shimmering ‘scales’ made from foil or shiny paper.
5. Rocking paper plate submarine
Paint a yellow submarine onto a paper plate, and decorate with port holes and surround it with lots of blue tissue paper for the sea. Once you’ve finished fold the plate in half, so the submarine gently rocks on the base as if it is bobbing through water. Go here for the full instructions.

If you’re looking for inspiration for a nautical birthday party, or a marvelous maritime mealtime theme to cheer the kids up, check out our Under the Sea party range.